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"Don't Be Afraid To Pursue A Career That Brings You Fulfillment”!

Career Navigation

Grades 6th-12th

Career Navigation modules can be integrated into any youth program or classroom. The modules are self-driven courses that will motivate and encourage students to stay in school while building a road map to their higher purpose. Career Navigation illustrates the essentialness of education in preparation for their journey. It is designed to help students turn their interests into employable skills utilizing a platform that is invigorating and concise.

Career Navigation guides students to answer questions such as: Have you truly taken the time to think about what kind of life you’d like to have? What do you truly love doing? What brings you joy and happiness and a profound sense of accomplishment?

Have you ever thought about your passion or life-calling? When we don’t pursue our passion and use our God-given gifts, no amount of money, prestige, or fame will bring us a sense of purpose and joy. For that, we MUST walk our own path. We MUST tune out the voices that tell us our value and worth are measured by appearance, money and status.

Career Navigation goes deep to unveiling students’ reasons for existence. Each of us has a gift, skill, or talent that makes us unique from others. It is something we are born with, but it may be lying dormant due to a lack of opportunities to unveil it. Or maybe we haven’t tapped into our gifts and skills due to a fear of others’ opinions or a fear of failing. 

You have a gift that needs to be activated!

Career Navigation into a career that brings you fulfillment, purpose, and financial security.

13 Step Journey

1. Turning Your Passions Into Skills

2. Career Research

3. Course Preparation

4. College Cost Research

5. Scholarships

6. Dual Enrollment

7. Financial Aid

8. Student Loans

9. Resume

10. Internship

11. Interview

12. Visualize Your Future

13. Goal Setting

"Don’t waste your lifetime fulfilling someone else’s dream. Find your purpose and execute to the fullest.”!