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"Every invention that has ever been invented began with someone thinking about how they could make people’s lives better!".

"You have life-changing ideas and solutions; don’t allow fear to stand in your way of making them a reality!".

Are you ready to bring the solution to your community?

Become an Innovator?

Become an Innovator! is an adrenaline-driven app development camp for youths. It is a five-day summer camp where students will develop an app concept to solve a community problem. 

Students will spend a week on a college campus. The camp experience gives students the opportunity to leave their environment and explore campus living while working in an invigorating and thought provoking atmosphere.

The Purpose

We are strengthening Detroit by changing the community landscape through our entrepreneurship initiatives. The purpose of the camp is to provide visibility to the youths who have been underserved in Detroit. It will showcase the brilliant gems in our midst who have been overlooked for so long. Youths will be able to become problemsolvers and develop an app that improves the quality of their lives and those around them.

Download the Become an Innovator application form below (PDF):

Team Challenge History

Our camp is based on the Team challenges from our R U Ready 4 BIZness curriculum. Our team challenge stems from the “Entrepreneurship Project” launched in the Detroit Public School District in 2007.

Students created four companies, developed their own products, and sold them throughout their community. Students also hosted community events that raised enough money to take the ultimate entrepreneurship experience – a trip to the United States Patents and Trademark Office.

Students learned firsthand the patent and trademark application process and the steps to approval. They also visited Hershey Park, where they walked in the shoes of Milton Hershey, discovering how he built his empire and brought jobs to the communities. The Entrepreneurship Project won four national awards and was recognized as the country’s first inclusion entrepreneurship program.

“R U an Innovator? Come and Prove It!”

In November 2012, fifty students aged 10-18 from the Metropolitan Detroit area participated in this event. Students developed ideas for apps, inventions, and handling issues CEO’s face every day in business. Students worked in teams to develop their concepts and presented a five-minute pitch to local entrepreneurs “Shark Tank” style.

The best team received one-on-one coaching with the R U Ready 4 BIZness founder, Laketa Dumas, to prepare for the state’s Young Innovator competition hosted by Prima Civitas.

As a result of the simulation, three high school students from Detroit Public Schools Community District formed their technology company to develop their app. Denate White, Damicone Crossland, and Carlton Mitchell created Top Athlete, a mobile sports app that provides stats and player information. Their idea won second place. They were awarded $750 from Prima Civitas. These students later competed in the International Sage Business Competition at Xavier University hosted by Curtis Deberg, Sage founder.

They received first place with an opportunity to compete in Nigeria for a worldwide competition.

Innovator Camp

We have created an accelerated program and condensed it into a one-week camp. Students will work in teams to build their company and identify key players who will develop an app concept that will be a solution for their community.

Students will learn the following:

  • Problem-Solving
  • Research and Development
  • Intellectual Property Applications
  • Create a Feasibility Plan

Holistic Empowerment:

  • Principles of Meditation
  • Manifesting Your Goals
  • Creating Your Life’s Blueprint

BIG Tank Pitch

Then students will present their app concept to the “BIG” tank forum to see if their idea is viable for funding. If the concept is value-added, students will advance to the commercial stage of bringing their app to the market.

Expected Outcome

Our camp will bring people together and help them create a community they are vested in and proud of. It will open the doors to resources and stakeholders willing to invest in the community by supporting youths in starting their businesses, providing internships, and mentoring.

Our camp will bring awareness to corporations searching for programs aligned with their social responsibility.


Our goal is to provide full sponsorship through organizations that want to invest in changing the trajectory of Detroit youths. We know many parents in underserved communities cannot afford to send their children to camps of this caliber. Therefore, we
want to expose our youths to the same opportunities as their counterparts in higher income communities at no cost to their families.

Students will learn the following:

  • Problem-Solving
  • Research and Development
  • Intellectual Property Applications
  • Create a Feasibility Plan

A “BIG” thanks to those who want to support Detroit Innovators!

Your ideas are life-changing and revolutionary!

Don’t be part of the world’s problem— BE THE SOLUTION!

Our Camp is For Fearless Inventors!

Our Camp is For Fearless Inventors!

Register Your interest HERE!

“Countless people have an idea, a solution to a problem, or a concept that will change the world”!

Download our Brochure